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All-Inclusive Share Swap
2020³â 08¿ù 16ÀÏ (ÀÏ) 07:34:43 ÇÔ¿ë³² ±âÀÚ abra1717@naver.com

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A company may become a company that owns the total number of issued and outstanding shares of another company by an all-inclusive share swap.

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The company is referred to as "wholly owning parent company".

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In such cases, the said another company shall be called "wholly owned subsidiary".

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Shares owned by the shareholders of a company becoming a wholly owned subsidiary by an all-inclusive share swap shall be transferred to a company becoming a wholly owning parent company by the share swap on the day of the share swap.

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The shareholders of the company becoming the said wholly owned subsidiary shall become the shareholders of the company becoming the said wholly owning parent company by receiving the allotment of new shares to be issued by the company becoming the said wholly owning parent company for the share swap or by acquiring treasury shares of the company by transfer.

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A company that intends to make a share swap shall prepare a contract for share swap and obtain approval therefor from a general meeting of shareholders.


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